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Physical Therapist

Our services

At Proactive, we use techniques to inspire the body to self-improve.

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Treatment of primary physical ailments

Neck, back, knee, shoulder pain is slip disc, carpal tunnel syndrome, ligament injury, knee degeneration etc. These are the most common diseases that people in India and in fact all over the world suffer from. And in many of these cases, treatment involves invasive surgery or prolonged traction. At Proactive, we pride ourselves on the following alternative methods to treat these ailments using the body's own strengths and healing abilities.



In our experience, the main causes of most of these problems are lack of physical exercise, wrong posture, vitamin deficiency and stress. Our goal is to address the root cause of pain through simple exercises and dietary supplements.



Exercise increases muscle strength, improves the body's metabolism and produces endorphins. Endorphins regulate pain perception and the body's increased energy causes pain to heal. It rebuilds the gastric flora for better absorption of essential nutrients, thereby reducing deficiencies that cause diseases. The body's ability to heal itself in this way provides a sense of well-being, reduces stressors and improves sleep patterns.

Autoimmune disease

​An autoimmune disease develops when the body's immune system mistakes healthy cells as dangerous. As a result, the immune system attacks these healthy body cells. Depending on the type, an autoimmune disease can affect one or many different types of body tissue. Proactive specializes in the treatment of autoimmune problems such as psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, restless leg syndrome, avascular femur head necrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, irritable bowel syndrome. These are addressed through mental stability exercises and breathing techniques


Injury prevention and performance support for athletes

An amateur or professional athlete needs to constantly push their limits. No matter what level they play at, they need to be better than their best. By working with their coaches, Proactive helps athletes increase their qualitative and quantitative output. They are trained to understand their bodies better. The Proactive team analyzes their muscles and strengths so they can use them most effectively. It helps athletes understand the causes of injury, shorten recovery time, and generally avoid injuries that threaten their performance. We help athletes achieve their potential by ensuring their mind and body respond to their athletic needs.

Super Specialty Scoliosis

Scoliosis is broadly defined as an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. This leads to back pain, pain in other joints like elbow, knee, ankle etc. and poor posture. In severe cases, breathing may become difficult as the unbalanced pressure can cause the lungs to collapse.

Proactive is the only clinic in India that exclusively treats and corrects scoliosis in young adults. We correct these scoliotic changes by adjusting body position, reactivating damaged muscles, and returning collapsed lungs to their normal shape through various breathing techniques.

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